VMware vSphere Client End of availability


Hello Folks,

I have got some announcements coming in for you guys in regards with the VMware vSphere Client End of availability.

The vSphere C# client will no longer be available with the next release of vSphere. The current version of the vSphere will not be affected and they will follow the standard support period.

Now this was expected from some time as there is no active development happening on the vSphere Client from vSphere 5.5 onwards.

VMware was able to find success with the Embedded Host Client which was successfully integrated with the host in the release of vSphere 6.0 Update 2.

I have been using the client and it performs pretty much all the operations that you need when connecting from a vSphere Client.

What is in the future?

Another announcement that VMware made today was that they are heavily investing on the vSphere HTML5 Web Client Fling and are planning to bring this product into the supported release soon.

And they have even decided to refer this as vSphere Client itself. That is a huge commitment that VMware is making towards the customers as they really want to get away with the current vSphere Client.

The current vSphere Web Client was always intended to replace the traditional vSphere Client and there have been a lot of improvements from the time it was released.

They also continued to listen to the customers, making further efforts to improve the Web Client experience have been made across 5.5U3, 6.0U1 and 6.0U2, including VUM (vSphere Update Manager) in 6.0U1 Web Client.

The new vSphere Client (HTML5)

If you are interested in trying the fling, kindly look into the article below that I wrote some time back.

Latest Fling: VMware vSphere HTML5 Web Client

VMware vSphere Client End of availibility

This client will have several key benefits over existing clients:

  • Completely written in HTML5 and JavaScript with no dependency on Flash or Java.
  • Operating system independent and supported on all leading web browsers.
  • Better performing than current Flex Web Client.
  • Partner Plugins that make managing third party elements more seamless.

All in all, I am excited to hear this news and we are moving towards a user experience which will be fast, reliable and most importantly incorporating the user feedback right into the product.

I hope this has been informative and thank you for reading!


About Author

I am Adil Arif, working as a Senior Technical Support Engineer at Rubrik as well as an independent blogger and founder of Enterprise Daddy. In my current role, I am supporting infrastructure related to Windows and VMware datacenters.


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