#TopvBlog2017 : Cast your vote now!


Every year, Eric Siebert from vSphere-Land opens the Top vBlog contest which takes all the virtualization blogs into consideration and lets the audience decide which one of them was helpful to the overall community.

This is my first year entering the contest against the likes of bloggers who have been in the industry and also the blogging space for an extremely long time!

What truly matters is how much of time and effort it takes to create the content in the form of posts/articles/podcasts and give it away for free for the benefit of the community.

I actually started blogging back in the year 2014 when I was new to the IT industry and was still learning. The idea was to keep a track of what new I learned and also to share that with the community which can be useful to somebody reading!

This year's contest takes into consideration the four important things that are required for good reading:

  • Longevity: How long the blogger has been running the blog! It is easy to start a blog but updating it on a regular basis is difficult! I surely am new to this but if I stay true to myself, I will be continuing this for a long time to come.
  • Length: I agree on this parameter to an extent, the more the content the better! But not always, sometimes you will need just a few words to explain something and it does the job! I have written quite a few long posts for the vSphere 6.5 series.
  • Frequency: How often the blog updated is another category to consider. This year's requirement is that one should have at least 10 posts in 2016. I have about 75 posts published in 2016.
  • Quality: This is a category where I will not comment much and let the audience decide.

How the scoring would be done is explained by Eric below:

The total points that a blog can accumulate will be based on 3 factors:

  • Public voting – 80% – total points based on how many people voted for you and how they ranked you.
  • # of posts published – 10% – points awarded for how many posts you had in 2016, more posts = more points, aggregators excluded.
  • Google PageSpeed score – 10% – points awarded for how well your blog is designed and how efficient it is which makes for a better experience for readers, the better you score the more points awarded.

I hope that I continue to be true to myself and work towards the original reason for starting the blog which was to help myself and the community. And I hope that you will vote for my blog [Enterprise Daddy (Adil Arif)] if you have been following along and reading my content and found it useful!

Click the below image to vote now!


About Author

I am Adil Arif, working as a Senior Technical Support Engineer at Rubrik as well as an independent blogger and founder of Enterprise Daddy. In my current role, I am supporting infrastructure related to Windows and VMware datacenters.

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